Vvr Village Harvest Thanjavur Ponni Boiled Rice 10kg

10.0 kg
£20.99 £21.99

Ponni rice is a variety of rice cultivated in the southern parts of India, particularly in the state of Tamil Nadu. It is known for its unique aroma, short grains, and suitability for various South Indian dishes. Boiled rice indicates a processing method where the rice is parboiled before milling, which helps retain nutrients in the rice kernel.

Here's a general description you might find for a product like "Thanjavur Ponni Boiled Rice 10kg":

Product Description:

  • Brand/Type: VVR Thanjavur Ponni Boiled Rice
  • Variety: Ponni Rice
  • Processing: Boiled (parboiled)
  • Weight: 10kg
  • Features: Short-grain rice with a characteristic aroma. The parboiling process ensures that the rice retains more nutrients compared to regular white rice. Suitable for various South Indian dishes, such as idli, dosa, and traditional rice preparations.

For the most accurate and up-to-date information, I recommend checking the packaging or contacting the brand directly. You can also inquire about the product at local grocery stores or supermarkets in your area. If the product has an official website, that can be a valuable source of information as well.